Perhaps, the purpose of sad songs is more than just feeling melancholy and relating to those who are lonely

3 min readApr 12, 2023
04.08.2023 | His shot, somewhere in Marinduque, Philippines.

Monday — the last day of the long weekend we rarely have nowadays.

Your eyes were drooping as the hours passed by. Your skin tanned, proof of the fond memories you had collected in the few days you were on a different island.

Collarbone apparent, jawline chiseled — an indication that regardless if you have been eating lots of delicious foods, you still lost weight because of the many places you have explored.

You have matured, I thought to myself. I guess I am lucky that despite being away from you for a few days, you did not do anything to make me feel weary at all. You made time to call me at the end of the day, which I held dear.

You were glad to be with your friends. I, on the other hand, finally had a rest and was content to be with my dogs alone in the apartment.

I was giddy because you visited me before you ended your trip. You made it to my place, even if we were both aware you would rather rest at your home.

You told me several stories. Your eyes shined brightly, and it felt like I was also in the places you have been and the great moments you have experienced.

The silly ones, even the dramas you have seen — you shared it all.

I was so amazed because of how far you’ve come. A person who was once shy about expressing himself in front of others is now telling me everything all at once.

I would not change this moment for anything. It is too precious.

We laughed, cuddled, kissed, and held hands. We have been doing these for several months, yet, it always feels brand new. The burst of joy and warmth I feel inside me when I am with you still grows day by day, not caving in.

I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you.

Papa’s letter to Mama.

When the sun was about to set, we prepared for you to go home. Albeit we only had a few hours together, I felt delighted. I guess we were successful in making sure to make the most of our little time together.

While waiting for my sister to arrive, you brought out your headphones. We started listening to this heartbreak song.

Never got the chance
To say your last goodbye
I gotta move on
But it hurts to try
How do I love, how do I love again?
How do I trust, how do I trust again?
I stay up all night, tell myself I’m alright
Baby, you’re just harder to see than most
I put the record on, wait ’til I hear our song
Every night, I’m dancing with your ghost

The song was gut-wrenching, but why didn’t I feel sad?

Instead of going down the rabbit hole and thinking: “Ah, this is what it will feel like if ever we break up? ” I told myself,

What should we do to make sure this will not happen to us? I guess we should try our best to be the best person for each other every day.

As the song was nearing its end, I asked myself, is it normal to think that maybe, the purpose of sad songs is more than just feeling melancholy and relating to those who are lonely? Perhaps, they are also a reminder for us to take care of what matters and not take it for granted.

Our hands were intertwined. You were singing me songs. You are not the best singer — out of tune most of the time — but I definitely am lucky to hear it.

Oh boy, soul-stirring moments like this make me fall head over heels all over again.




An eccentric, vulnerable, and crappy damsel blessed with a resting bitch face.